presentation of two genre

Message from sprites. 

Dream book, soul, gods are the base of the interpretation of dream. 

dream is a box which fulfillment of repressed wishes in disguised form.  
Repressed wishes Disguised form 
The conflict between id and superego repressed wishes are usually unacceptable, thus, when the dream is escape from unconscious, it needs pretend in a different form to escape the check from conscious. 
 eg. john is dreaming about his sister. 
The Structure of Personality  
Id  Pleasure principle 
superego “what should we do?”  “right or wrong?” 
ego Balance id and superego depend on reality 
Disguised form  
Condensation is a figure in a dream may be constituted by fusion of traits belonging to more than one actual person. Ex. two guys were proposed to a woman 
Displacement is one idea or symbol was displaced by other idea or symbol. 
Opposites the tendency of the conscious mind if the conscious life situation is “in large degree one-sided.” Ex. Jung 
dreams are highlight the repressed emotions. Ex. Cring in dreams