Theory of writing

For me the meaning of writing is convey the information that I want to claim. However, it is hard to do for me. Because when I was in primary school the teacher asked us writing an essay about an event which is affect me a lot. Honestly, the teacher didn’t give us a standard for what is a good essay. So, what I’m writing at that time is my experiences and imagination. When I’m in junior high school, the them was changed from personal experience to reflection of some movies or some outdoor activities. It is horrible task to do. Because in my memory, every time when we have a movie that was requested to watch, the movie must be about “educational”. The theme such as “how harmful does the drugs to people?”, “how does people recover from an earthquake?”, “WWII war”. Those theme is great but it is heavy as well. I have no interest in at all. So, that kind of reaction essay is suffer for me. In high school, writing become easier. The essay was given the certain form and outline, for me the form/outline is like the formula.  

Those practice give me the idea of writing. Now, even though I’m in college, the topic of essay sill not what I’m interest in but I’m loving researching the resource for my essay. The reason I’m loving it is the researching resource is flexible I can chose what is fit my essay and what is not. Until this year, I can write some things that I’m interested. Even though I have to read a lot of articles but I’m enjoy the process. My research topic is dream interpretation, I’m learning from others’ articles. Though those years, I realized I’m not lack of the talent of writing but passion. I have such ability but I can’t force myself doing the “boring” things as excellent level. Also, I’m enjoyable about the essay I’m writing right now, it is naturally what I’m doing in my head, it is free floating as long as I didn’t lose the theme. An artist from Korea who is my role model, he has tattoo a word “passion” on his chest. Back that time I can’t figure out the reason why he chose “passion” and I was thinking he is really strive for his career. I’m understand now. He is loving his job and the passion can lead him conquer the obstacle. When I’m writing “boring” topic, the responsibility for being a student is pushing me to finish the task, I can’t say no. But when I’m writing “interesting” topic that is pushing by passion. Responsibility keeping you on the track, but passion pushing you further. 

Right now, the most important thing for me is grammar. I went to writing center and the tutor was given me helpful suggestions, especially about the non, verb, adj. Writing in second language isn’t easy thing to do. But I think the key to unlock this skill is passion and persistence. The passion about writing are not just about the things I’m interest in but also is the belief of “I can achieve the things that others telling me I can’t.” 

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